Trailblazing Twos
The Trailblazing 2’s class is for children aged two years old, and is located in the purple door. In this class, potty training, language development and social skills are the main focus. We have a base curriculum that fosters the children’s individual interests and abilities. This enhances each child’s learning, which promotes the opportunity to grow through concepts and skills. We focus our activities around fine and gross motor skills, academic, social and emotional skills based on the child’s developmental abilities. Our activities alternate between teacher directed and child centered experiences which will be focused on weekly themes. This process prepares the children to expand their horizons. The development of spoken language is mainly enhanced by phonics practice and reading. The A Beka curriculum, which is taught in this classroom, is traditionally rich in the phonics component. The Twos are able to circulate through out the classroom and explore the many centers are provided. The dramatic play, various phonic activities, introductory Spanish, and all the many other daily functions of this classroom create an environment that make these Trailblazing Twos true explorers.
Key areas of child development & learning
• Some of the key elements for your child’s development in the Toddler Room are working on your child’s independence through self help.
• We also work on fine motor and gross motor using activities such as tracing, cutting, using pincher fingers, walking, steps and outside play.
• The key element we work on is potty training. We work with the child and the parents to make this process as easy as possible.
The Sixth Room
The developing of our outdoor classroom is based on our belief that learning does not stop when you go outside to play. We know the young child learns through play. However, we have what we call the X-Zone. An exterior classroom with centers, in addition to the gross motor skills developed in our equipment. The play area has the following centers, with more to develop as space allows.
Outdoor Literacy
Various Sports Activities
Water Play
Art Center
Writing Center
Individual Classroom Gardens
Developmental Classroom Goals
Age: About 2 years
Motor Skills
• Feeds self with a spoon.
• Able to drink from a straw.
• Walks up stairs with help.
• Opens cabinets and drawers.
• Bends over to pick things up without falling.
• Builds a tower of 3-4 blocks.
• Can roll and kick a large ball.
• Begins to run.
• May show a preference for one hand over the other.
• Scribbles spontaneously.
Cognitive Skills
• Begins make believe play.
• Enjoys taking things apart.
• Wants to explore her surroundings.
• Can and will follow directions.
• Can point to 5-6 different body parts when asked.
• Enjoys looking at the same books over and over again.
• May express interest in potty training.
Social Skills and Language
• Has a vocabulary that includes several hundred words.
• Begins to use 2-3 word sentences.
• Learning to take turns with other children but generally plays along side, rather than with other children.
• Gets angry and may have temper tantrums.
• Possessive of his toys.
• Refers to self either by name or by using “me” or “mine”.
• Acts shy around strangers.
• Likes to imitate parents or caregiver.